Thursday, March 17, 2016

Rain, rain go away!!


On Sunday March 6th I had a really bad headache.  So bad that I had to take a taxi home from work and have Brian pick up my car after he got off work.  I felt really bad leaving school, since I'm off for a week after chemo every 3 weeks, but I couldn't take it any more.  My girls were like, "Miss, go home, you look bad, can you even open your eyes?" lol.  When my co-teacher came in she took one look at me and made me pack up my things to go.  I stayed home the next day just to make sure I was ok to work the rest of the week.  When I returned on Tuesday everything went well until about 1pm.  It began to rain like cats and dogs.  We have an open corridor in the school were the kids usually eat lunch and it was flooded.  Everyone was so amazed, even myself, as it hadn't rained here in almost a year.  The girls were coming up with any excuse to get out of the classroom that it was hard to teach.  So with about 10 min. left in class I let the girls go early and play in the rain. lol.  It was so refreshing, the wind was a nice cool breeze, not like the normal blow torch wind we are used to.  By the time it was time to go home the streets were flooded.  They finally cancelled school for Wed. and Thurs (YEAAHH), a 4 day weekend.  There were sooooo many accidents (more than the norm).  It felt like the snow storm of 2014 in Atlanta.  My kids called it Rainopocalypse.  The first day home we let the kids ride their bikes in the rain (yuck), but hey, it happens once in a few years, why not.  Asa thought it was disgusting so he chose to stay in the house and just watch out the window.  Good times.  Great way to forget about my illness and just enjoy life.  I worked a total of 1.5 days that week. lol

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