Wednesday, January 20, 2016

FB posts

Recording of FB posts:
Jan. 11th
Hello ladies and men with women in their lives,
Many of you already know, but for those who don't, I was diagnosed with breast cancer just before winter break. The treatment and service I have gotten here in Abu Dhabi has been incredible. But I am writing to encourage you to participate in, what I am calling, Buddy Check 13. As women we need to support and encourage each other. How many of you actually do a breast self exam (BSE) or self breast awareness checks? Being self breast aware just means knowing how your breast change, look and feel during different times. Well, with Buddy Check 13 we will encourage our sisters to check monthly for abnormalities. So.... Here's how it works:
1. You find a partner or 2 and commit to being accountable to her/them
2. On the 13th of each month starting in January (OO-OOP) you pledge to call, txt, whatsapp (however you communicate) your buddy to remind her to be self breast aware or do a BSE.
3. Once you've done it, you message each other to confirm completion.
SIMPLE, huh? Now let's get to feeling on ourselves. Lol
I hope we each participate as we know that early detection is key.

Jan. 13th
So... what made you decide to post your diagnosis on FB? That's the question several people have asked me. Well, a couple days ago I was speaking to a former mentee (now just a friend) and she asked me who knew? I told her my closest family and friends, more people here in UAE then back home. She pauses then says, "why?". I told her I had been going back in forth on whether or not to post it, you know how "fake" FB is and I didn't want a pity party on my behalf. She then began to tell me that when she was younger she stayed away from a lot of things, drugs, sex, etc. because of the stories I told her (no, I won't tell you- lol). She said my transparency really helped her and a couple other girls she know stay out of trouble. She said, just think if I had never know about ___________, I could have been lost. She reminded me of something I would always tell my girls at school as well as my youth group "MY LIFE IS NOT MY OWN" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). I tell you, I had tears flowing. I would always tell me girls that the things that I have gone through were because God needed to demonstrate them on me so that I can help you NOT go through them, so don't make my mistakes, make your own. When I hung up with her I knew I had to post it (and just let the "Jesus Jr's" of the world say they will pray for me but not really do it) I also know that the more I share my story, the more empowered I will become. I know this journey will not be an easy one, but I declare, IF GOD BE FOR ME, WHO CAN BE AGAINST ME! (Romans 8:31) I will count it all joy... (James 1:2) (my friend Ashleigh Dennis favorite scripture-love ya boo). I know that I am HIS child and if He has room enough to feed the birds of the air, how much more will He do for His children (Matthew 6:26). 
So, why did I decide to post it? This journey is not just for me, there is someone that needs to go through this without going through it. 
Lord, I am your vessel, use me up!
But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. Acts 20:24
If you would like to go on this journey with me, pm me and I will send you the link to my blog.
Oh yeah, today was my first day of chemo!!!! 1 down, 5 more to go. It wasn't too bad, at least not yet. Jan. 13, 2016 is a day I will never forget!!

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