I am still in Atlanta, Ga. You ask why, so do I- lol. No, seriously, I was told by others that are there that this is the most frustrating process throughout this entire adventure. Brian and I were originally told that we would be leaving between Dec. 26-28. We were both soooo excited about spending my birthday in Abu Dhabi, but we had planned a trip to Disney World over a year ago and didnt know what to do. Well, we found out mid December that our voyage was postponed until mid Jan. so we enjoyed our Disney vacation. It is now March 1st and I (yes, only me and kids) are still here. Brian received his golden ticket and visa on January 28, 2014. We were contemplating on whether or not to have him wait for me to get my ticket, but we decided to "let him go", I am soooo glad we did. My question to our agent was how could our paperwork not be submitted together when I personally emailed/mailed all necessary documents together. All my agent could say is "It is out of our control, visa processing is a government entity", so I continue to wait. If I had not been a teacher we all could have been dependents on Brian's contract and could have flown together, but since I have to obtain my own work visa our tickets are processed separately. I said that to say, if you are thinking of teaching oversees and you are the only one teaching, things should be much better.
Living on the edge has been the biggest frustration of all. I have literally been living my life, one day at a time since January 15th. I refused to purchase a gallon of milk because the thought in the back of my mind has always been, what if I get a ticket tomorrow. Well, that has now changed, I bought a gallon of milk, and I even registered my children for school. Yes, I put my babies in school here in ATL. That was a very depressing process because I didn't want to, but if you have to have a belt with you at the kitchen table to ensure that your 4 year old writes her name properly, without playing, there is a serious problem. I questioned why am I able to teach 100 seventh graders on a daily basis but get so frustrated with my own children. Now I understand why so many of my clients that requested tutoring were children of teachers.
I know my writing is "all over the place" but I told myself that I was not going to write another post until I got there but I also don't want to forget my emotional roller coaster that I am on right now. So... please bare with me as I ramble.
My first rant, I received an email from my placement coordinator that stated that they (Abu Dhabi Education Council and UAE Immigration) are trying to process everyone's visa so that the last group of people (about 20 of us from several different agencies) can travel around the same time and go through orientation together. My first thought was, "didn't you say that back in January?". Never the less, I got excited (hadn't been excited in a looong time) just to find out that my visa is STILL in security, really? What is the hold up? Spring Break for ADEC is Mar. 27- April 12 and I really hope to be there at least a week before so I can truly have a spring break, I guess we will see. Asa, my son, will have his 7th birthday on Mar. 19. This is the year of his party (we have a party every other year). He came to me a couple days ago and was upset that he won't have time to make friends to invite to his birthday party. I felt so bad for him, he's right, at the rate we are going, we may not even be there for his birthday. If that is the case, he can at least have something in his classroom here in Atlanta (makes me cringe just thinking about them going to school here).
Second rant, Brian told me the other day that he just didn't feel like going to the pool (he's still at the hotel) or doing anything without us. I really felt bad, but a little comforted in knowing that he has not "left us". Well, he posted a video of him sand surfing and I almost lost it. I was happy that he was able to go out and have fun, but upset that we were not there with him. I had so many emotions going through my head, if I expressed them now people would be calling the psych ward. This "testing of your faith" is serious business. I'm just glad that I have a Heavenly Father that has not forsaken me. (Prayer break- Lord, I take a moment to ask that you keep those that are in my current situation that do not know you, I pray that you cover them and keep them in the safety of your arms and that they come to recognize your divine power and authority, cause God, as my students would say, "the struggle is real"). Those of you that know me know that my conversations with God aren't all thou and thus and what not, I speak from my heart the way I speak to everyone else.
My third rant, everyone says, "spend as much time with family and friends, you'll miss them when you are gone". Well, you are right, but most of my friends are in Hinesville/Savannah so I cant even do that. My family that is here is working so it's just me and the kids for most of the day. I have never spend this much time on facebook before and I would now consider myself a facebook stalker- lol. I find myself checking the facebook group for us going every couple minutes just to see if anyone has gotten their "golden ticket". We are also trying to save money since it will be another month or so before I get paid in the UAE. But honestly, that has truly been a blessing. Those of you that know me I am so very serious about my finances. Given the circumstances that I grew up in I told myself that I would not be financially unstable again. Brian and I have not worked since December (a leap of faith) which in turn means no pay. Well, with the help of my church family (S/O to Connection Church) and obedience and direction from God, we have financially prepared for this journey (oh, Dave Ramsey's FPU as well). We have been able to pay our bills, give to others (on this same journey) money, give family money (did I tell you we have not worked since December), continue to pay our tithes and offerings, and we are still waiting for our tax return (last one for awhile :(). I say all that not to brag, but just to remind myself that God's Got Me! As I write this I feel my spirit being lifted, thank you Lord!
Now as I reflect on my ranting, I realize, there really isn't anything to rant about (see what I mean- emotional roller coaster- lol). Im not going to delete it, but this time has allowed me to reflect on the goodness of God. I know that God does not make mistakes and that I am His child, so I just pray that He will reveal (and if He chooses not to, give me peace) his purpose and I am able to run this race for His Glory.
I know my writing is "all over the place" but I told myself that I was not going to write another post until I got there but I also don't want to forget my emotional roller coaster that I am on right now. So... please bare with me as I ramble.
My first rant, I received an email from my placement coordinator that stated that they (Abu Dhabi Education Council and UAE Immigration) are trying to process everyone's visa so that the last group of people (about 20 of us from several different agencies) can travel around the same time and go through orientation together. My first thought was, "didn't you say that back in January?". Never the less, I got excited (hadn't been excited in a looong time) just to find out that my visa is STILL in security, really? What is the hold up? Spring Break for ADEC is Mar. 27- April 12 and I really hope to be there at least a week before so I can truly have a spring break, I guess we will see. Asa, my son, will have his 7th birthday on Mar. 19. This is the year of his party (we have a party every other year). He came to me a couple days ago and was upset that he won't have time to make friends to invite to his birthday party. I felt so bad for him, he's right, at the rate we are going, we may not even be there for his birthday. If that is the case, he can at least have something in his classroom here in Atlanta (makes me cringe just thinking about them going to school here).
Second rant, Brian told me the other day that he just didn't feel like going to the pool (he's still at the hotel) or doing anything without us. I really felt bad, but a little comforted in knowing that he has not "left us". Well, he posted a video of him sand surfing and I almost lost it. I was happy that he was able to go out and have fun, but upset that we were not there with him. I had so many emotions going through my head, if I expressed them now people would be calling the psych ward. This "testing of your faith" is serious business. I'm just glad that I have a Heavenly Father that has not forsaken me. (Prayer break- Lord, I take a moment to ask that you keep those that are in my current situation that do not know you, I pray that you cover them and keep them in the safety of your arms and that they come to recognize your divine power and authority, cause God, as my students would say, "the struggle is real"). Those of you that know me know that my conversations with God aren't all thou and thus and what not, I speak from my heart the way I speak to everyone else.
My third rant, everyone says, "spend as much time with family and friends, you'll miss them when you are gone". Well, you are right, but most of my friends are in Hinesville/Savannah so I cant even do that. My family that is here is working so it's just me and the kids for most of the day. I have never spend this much time on facebook before and I would now consider myself a facebook stalker- lol. I find myself checking the facebook group for us going every couple minutes just to see if anyone has gotten their "golden ticket". We are also trying to save money since it will be another month or so before I get paid in the UAE. But honestly, that has truly been a blessing. Those of you that know me I am so very serious about my finances. Given the circumstances that I grew up in I told myself that I would not be financially unstable again. Brian and I have not worked since December (a leap of faith) which in turn means no pay. Well, with the help of my church family (S/O to Connection Church) and obedience and direction from God, we have financially prepared for this journey (oh, Dave Ramsey's FPU as well). We have been able to pay our bills, give to others (on this same journey) money, give family money (did I tell you we have not worked since December), continue to pay our tithes and offerings, and we are still waiting for our tax return (last one for awhile :(). I say all that not to brag, but just to remind myself that God's Got Me! As I write this I feel my spirit being lifted, thank you Lord!
Now as I reflect on my ranting, I realize, there really isn't anything to rant about (see what I mean- emotional roller coaster- lol). Im not going to delete it, but this time has allowed me to reflect on the goodness of God. I know that God does not make mistakes and that I am His child, so I just pray that He will reveal (and if He chooses not to, give me peace) his purpose and I am able to run this race for His Glory.
Ok, on another note, Brian has received his apt. and furniture allowance, but (again, if you know us) he can not shop without me or my approval (its just like that). Well a couple is leaving the UAE and have decided to sell their bedroom set. I asked Brian to go look at it, long story short, he didn't have time because it was an hour drive away. I thought for sure it would be gone since several people were interested. Well, he called me the other day and told me he not only went to go see it, but he bought it, YEAH!!! He hired a mover to deliver it and it was delivered about an hour ago. The lady stated that she bought it for 20,000 AED (I was like- really, that would be our entire furniture allowance) and was selling it for 5800 AED. Brian said, it looks and weighs like it cost at least 20,000 AED. No he didn't pay the asking price, by baby can negotiate (got it from FPU).
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