On Sunday March 6th I had a really bad headache. So bad that I had to take a taxi home from work and have Brian pick up my car after he got off work. I felt really bad leaving school, since I'm off for a week after chemo every 3 weeks, but I couldn't take it any more. My girls were like, "Miss, go home, you look bad, can you even open your eyes?" lol. When my co-teacher came in she took one look at me and made me pack up my things to go. I stayed home the next day just to make sure I was ok to work the rest of the week. When I returned on Tuesday everything went well until about 1pm. It began to rain like cats and dogs. We have an open corridor in the school were the kids usually eat lunch and it was flooded. Everyone was so amazed, even myself, as it hadn't rained here in almost a year. The girls were coming up with any excuse to get out of the classroom that it was hard to teach. So with about 10 min. left in class I let the girls go early and play in the rain. lol. It was so refreshing, the wind was a nice cool breeze, not like the normal blow torch wind we are used to. By the time it was time to go home the streets were flooded. They finally cancelled school for Wed. and Thurs (YEAAHH), a 4 day weekend. There were sooooo many accidents (more than the norm). It felt like the snow storm of 2014 in Atlanta. My kids called it Rainopocalypse. The first day home we let the kids ride their bikes in the rain (yuck), but hey, it happens once in a few years, why not. Asa thought it was disgusting so he chose to stay in the house and just watch out the window. Good times. Great way to forget about my illness and just enjoy life. I worked a total of 1.5 days that week. lol
Keeping TAAB (Tiffany, Asa, Anais, Brian)
A blog for family and friends to join us on our journey to Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Round 3 of 8. Finally found my groove
After the last round of chemo I just knew I was going to die. It was soooo hard. I expected it to be hard, but dang, really God. Brian and I THINK we have found the key to getting through this, just stay in the bed until it passes. We have such great friends, they took our kids for the weekend, so I can get some relief. I have the worst headaches and nausea. I recently found out that I will have to have 8 rounds, not 6 :(. It's ok though, I know this time will pass. Since I was sick for Valentine's Day we decided to just stay home and enjoy ourselves. I think going through this has really given me a renewed predictive on life. One of the main reasons we came to the UAE was to get out of debt and because of this I have been pretty tight with money (Dave Ramsey would be proud). But now, I am beginning to really enjoy life, spend the extra money and have some fun. I've also started to appreciate the little things a little more. Thank you God for the renewed understanding.
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My nails are beginning to turn black |
Monday, February 8, 2016
Cancer SUCKS!!
A BITCH named cancer. Yep, I said it, BITCH!! This was the original name I was going to give this post, but the queen in me (ha) wouldn't allow it. I can recall at least one time each year of teaching when my students would ask me if I cuss. I would always tell me no, but if they heard me cuss it was on purpose. I don't cuss on accident. I think that is one reason I like teaching teenagers, they are honest and open, when they know you care. So... why such harsh language, you ask?
Round 2 week 1
This week has been hard, I mean really hard. I expect things to get hard, but just not so soon. This is only round 2 of 6. I had my 2nd round of chemo on Tues. Feb. 2, 2016. Got to the oncology office early because I expected some delays (ADEC has had some issues with our insurance), but to my delight everything went smoothly. I went into the room and there were 2 other ladies hooked up to IV's already, one Filipino and one Arab (probably from Syria). The nurse (Filipino) was very nice, we conversed a bit then she proceeded to tell me that I will be in and out of here in no time. My first thought was, "I know you are trying to be nice, but how dear you say 'in no time'". I let it go. The Arab lady who was originally sleeping (snoring away) woke up and started conversing me with. I found out that she too is a teacher. At this point another lady, Emirati, came in who was also a teacher. We all laughed, but someone said, hey, all us teachers in here, what is the education system doing to us, sad, but a serious thought. The Arab lady proceeded to ask where was my cancer and I told her in my breast, then I asked where was hers. She explained that she has had cancer off and on for the better part of 10 years. YES, 10 years, my heart just broke. She said she had ovarian cancer 2x, stomach cancer, now it has moved into her neck and the back of her brain. She then said there is no cure for her and she has to have 4 hrs of chemo every 3 weeks. I felt so bad, how dare I get upset when the nurse tells me Ill be in and out and this lady has been through this for 10 years. I felt so selfish. About 2 min. later the call to prayer came on (you can hear it everywhere out here) and she just started to pray, right where she was. I was honored that she felt comfortable enough to pray in front of me (although not uncommon), but I was more in awe of how she could praise a God that has allowed her to suffer for 10 years. I left the office after about 2 hrs feeling good, refreshed, ready for whatever God had for me, so I thought.
About 2 days later is when the chemo started to take affect. Everyone said I will feel my worst days 3-5, so I was expecting another good day, but oh well. The evening of day 2 my neighbor had a pizza party for her daughter and I decided to go hang out. My stomach wasn't feeling too well so I decided not to eat, but when I went home (literally right next door) I laid on my husband's chest as he and the kids watched TV and I couldn't move. My head felt like I was in a tornado. I closed my eyes and all I saw were fireworks. He walked me to the bed and that's were I stayed for the next 24 hrs. The next day several people brought over food, seemed like all at one time- lol. All the different smells in the house made me nauseous, I couldn't open my eyes, even in the dark room. My head hurt so bad I kept throwing up. Of ALLLL the medicine given to me for side effects (7 total), none included anything for headaches, go figure. Brian gave me some panadol, which helped a little. I just couldn't understand why I couldn't control myself. I cried off and on, mainly just because I felt out of control. Brian finally gave me a sleeping pill because my neck started to hurt because I couldn't lay down to fall asleep. I felt like I was falling every time I tilted my head so I slept sitting up. By day 4 I was still dizzy, but I felt sooooooo much better. A friend brought by some more food and asked where were my kids. Honestly, I had no idea. I later found out that a neighbor took both of them iceskating and out for dinner (GOD bless her). When they came back, they were on 100%. I just couldn't take it, they tried to be a quiet as possible, but if you know my daughter, she's as quiet as a freight train during rush hour. I retreated back to my room were I stayed the rest of the night.
My dear husband, he is awesome. He stayed with me the entire time, he cleaned up my vomit, held my head up and even rubbed my back. This man is definitely a keeper- lol.
Today is 6 days after round 2 and I feel well enough to function, so I plan to go back to work in 2 days. I have received sick leave for 20 days (until my next treatment), but I think I will go stark crazy sitting in this house. I know some people think Im crazy, they say, just stay home, collect a pay check and relax, but that's not me. I like to work, not always teaching, but I really do enjoy my job. I said if this had been last year, teaching at the school from "hell" I would most definitely stay home.
My school, Atikah Bin Abdul Al Mutalib (a mouth full). Has been awesome. They rearranged several other teachers schedule to provide me with a coteacher (which is only done in KG). My coteacher is in class with me everyday, so if there is a time that I have to leave for whatever reason, she will take over. We now have it scheduled were I will be off for a week for chemo then work for 2 weeks. While Im off, she will teach my classes. So far, this has worked out very well. When the idea was first proposed I felt bad because she now has to teach 18 hrs a week when she use to teach only 6 hrs (yes, most locals have light teaching schedules). I felt bad that she had to take on my responsibility. After sitting and talking to her she felt honored that Allah gave her this opportunity to help someone, which put me more at ease with the whole idea.
I have received Holy water from Mecca, Ethiopia and even some local healing paste that I should take every day. I know the journey is just beginning, and I will cuss many times during it, but Im glad God has me in his arms. Everything has lined up with His promises and I will continue to find joy in it all, in spite of it all.
How am I feeling?
Physically- Ok, today is the first time I drove in a week and I was a little nervous (drivers here are crazy) but it was ok. I just gave myself more than enough time to get to were i was going. I actually got there 30 min. early.
mentally- Did you read my first line?
Prayer Requests:
I have plans to travel to America when I am finished with chemo, but before my surgery and am worried about how I will pay for this trip. One main reason for teaching oversees was to get out of the rat race and be able to leave a legacy for our children's children. The cost associated with this trip will set us back to where we were before we came, flights for me and my children (Im not leaving them on the other side of the world), doctor's visits (I have no health insurance in America so everything will be out of pocket) as well as just living for the couple weeks I plan to be there. Many have suggested that I create a Go Fund Me account and solicit help, but I am a little weary about it. We are not struggling financially, but this will put a serious dent in our goals. At the same time, I don't want to be too prideful and not ask for help. So.... I said all that to say, please pray that God directs us (and we are obedient) on which path to take in order to continue to run this race He's laid ahead of us.
Look at me, start out cussing and end in prayer requests, I'm so human, I'm an emotional mess, but glad I know who I belong to.
Thank you and God Bless!
Round 2 week 1
This week has been hard, I mean really hard. I expect things to get hard, but just not so soon. This is only round 2 of 6. I had my 2nd round of chemo on Tues. Feb. 2, 2016. Got to the oncology office early because I expected some delays (ADEC has had some issues with our insurance), but to my delight everything went smoothly. I went into the room and there were 2 other ladies hooked up to IV's already, one Filipino and one Arab (probably from Syria). The nurse (Filipino) was very nice, we conversed a bit then she proceeded to tell me that I will be in and out of here in no time. My first thought was, "I know you are trying to be nice, but how dear you say 'in no time'". I let it go. The Arab lady who was originally sleeping (snoring away) woke up and started conversing me with. I found out that she too is a teacher. At this point another lady, Emirati, came in who was also a teacher. We all laughed, but someone said, hey, all us teachers in here, what is the education system doing to us, sad, but a serious thought. The Arab lady proceeded to ask where was my cancer and I told her in my breast, then I asked where was hers. She explained that she has had cancer off and on for the better part of 10 years. YES, 10 years, my heart just broke. She said she had ovarian cancer 2x, stomach cancer, now it has moved into her neck and the back of her brain. She then said there is no cure for her and she has to have 4 hrs of chemo every 3 weeks. I felt so bad, how dare I get upset when the nurse tells me Ill be in and out and this lady has been through this for 10 years. I felt so selfish. About 2 min. later the call to prayer came on (you can hear it everywhere out here) and she just started to pray, right where she was. I was honored that she felt comfortable enough to pray in front of me (although not uncommon), but I was more in awe of how she could praise a God that has allowed her to suffer for 10 years. I left the office after about 2 hrs feeling good, refreshed, ready for whatever God had for me, so I thought.
About 2 days later is when the chemo started to take affect. Everyone said I will feel my worst days 3-5, so I was expecting another good day, but oh well. The evening of day 2 my neighbor had a pizza party for her daughter and I decided to go hang out. My stomach wasn't feeling too well so I decided not to eat, but when I went home (literally right next door) I laid on my husband's chest as he and the kids watched TV and I couldn't move. My head felt like I was in a tornado. I closed my eyes and all I saw were fireworks. He walked me to the bed and that's were I stayed for the next 24 hrs. The next day several people brought over food, seemed like all at one time- lol. All the different smells in the house made me nauseous, I couldn't open my eyes, even in the dark room. My head hurt so bad I kept throwing up. Of ALLLL the medicine given to me for side effects (7 total), none included anything for headaches, go figure. Brian gave me some panadol, which helped a little. I just couldn't understand why I couldn't control myself. I cried off and on, mainly just because I felt out of control. Brian finally gave me a sleeping pill because my neck started to hurt because I couldn't lay down to fall asleep. I felt like I was falling every time I tilted my head so I slept sitting up. By day 4 I was still dizzy, but I felt sooooooo much better. A friend brought by some more food and asked where were my kids. Honestly, I had no idea. I later found out that a neighbor took both of them iceskating and out for dinner (GOD bless her). When they came back, they were on 100%. I just couldn't take it, they tried to be a quiet as possible, but if you know my daughter, she's as quiet as a freight train during rush hour. I retreated back to my room were I stayed the rest of the night.
My dear husband, he is awesome. He stayed with me the entire time, he cleaned up my vomit, held my head up and even rubbed my back. This man is definitely a keeper- lol.
Today is 6 days after round 2 and I feel well enough to function, so I plan to go back to work in 2 days. I have received sick leave for 20 days (until my next treatment), but I think I will go stark crazy sitting in this house. I know some people think Im crazy, they say, just stay home, collect a pay check and relax, but that's not me. I like to work, not always teaching, but I really do enjoy my job. I said if this had been last year, teaching at the school from "hell" I would most definitely stay home.
My school, Atikah Bin Abdul Al Mutalib (a mouth full). Has been awesome. They rearranged several other teachers schedule to provide me with a coteacher (which is only done in KG). My coteacher is in class with me everyday, so if there is a time that I have to leave for whatever reason, she will take over. We now have it scheduled were I will be off for a week for chemo then work for 2 weeks. While Im off, she will teach my classes. So far, this has worked out very well. When the idea was first proposed I felt bad because she now has to teach 18 hrs a week when she use to teach only 6 hrs (yes, most locals have light teaching schedules). I felt bad that she had to take on my responsibility. After sitting and talking to her she felt honored that Allah gave her this opportunity to help someone, which put me more at ease with the whole idea.
I have received Holy water from Mecca, Ethiopia and even some local healing paste that I should take every day. I know the journey is just beginning, and I will cuss many times during it, but Im glad God has me in his arms. Everything has lined up with His promises and I will continue to find joy in it all, in spite of it all.
How am I feeling?
Physically- Ok, today is the first time I drove in a week and I was a little nervous (drivers here are crazy) but it was ok. I just gave myself more than enough time to get to were i was going. I actually got there 30 min. early.
mentally- Did you read my first line?
Prayer Requests:
I have plans to travel to America when I am finished with chemo, but before my surgery and am worried about how I will pay for this trip. One main reason for teaching oversees was to get out of the rat race and be able to leave a legacy for our children's children. The cost associated with this trip will set us back to where we were before we came, flights for me and my children (Im not leaving them on the other side of the world), doctor's visits (I have no health insurance in America so everything will be out of pocket) as well as just living for the couple weeks I plan to be there. Many have suggested that I create a Go Fund Me account and solicit help, but I am a little weary about it. We are not struggling financially, but this will put a serious dent in our goals. At the same time, I don't want to be too prideful and not ask for help. So.... I said all that to say, please pray that God directs us (and we are obedient) on which path to take in order to continue to run this race He's laid ahead of us.
Look at me, start out cussing and end in prayer requests, I'm so human, I'm an emotional mess, but glad I know who I belong to.
Thank you and God Bless!
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One side effect, my nails are begining to turn blue from the chemo |
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Round 1 weeks 2 and 3
I have been pretty lazy, and feeling good, hence the lack of an update. lol. Weeks 2 and 3 after round 1 of chemo were GREAT!!! I was still very sensitive to different smells and tastes, but for the most part it was grand. For my husband's birthday we decided to spend the evening in Dubai, get Moroccan baths (note to self- give details at to what he should expect), a nice dinner and just some "us" time. If you know anything about Dubai, you know that you will not go anywhere without making your way into someone's mall. Well, we made our way into 3. Although we did not spend much money, #Dave Ramsey, it was more difficult then I anticipated. At the last mall, just wondering around, I realized that I was extremely tired, so tired that I had to literally find a wall, slide down it and take a breather. At first I was a bit embarrassed, but then i thought, "these folks don't know me". lol After I got my breathe we made our way back to our hotel room were we called it a night. I felt bad that we didn't really do anything exciting, but Brian was just happy that we were out together, without the kids, and I was feeling better.
To my relief, my hair finally began to fall out. It sounds crazy, but the doctor told me that my hair would begin to fall out days 10-12 of round 1. He suggested that I cut it because it would hurt, which it did. Well, when days 10-12 came and left I begin to think that I may be the less than 10% who don't loose their hair. I started to freak out, did I just cut my hair for no reason? Well, on day 14 my hair began to come out in patches. I was so excited that I called Brian to tell him the good news, at least cutting my hair wasn't in vain. Crazy? I know. Well, the hair came out in patches and my son asked it I could just shave it all off, it looked scary, so I asked my neighbor to shave it all. After the big shave my head didn't hurt anymore either, so I guess that was a good thing.
How am I feeling:
physically- GREAT!! Well, as good as I think i will with having chemo
emotionally- OK, anticipating the worse so my mind keeps wandering and I keep researching side effects
Prayer Requests:
Please pray for my babies, they are handling things very well, but I know Asa is becoming more and more attached to me, not wanting anything to hurt me. I just pray that I have enough energy to do things with them, even if it's just to help them off to school.
To my relief, my hair finally began to fall out. It sounds crazy, but the doctor told me that my hair would begin to fall out days 10-12 of round 1. He suggested that I cut it because it would hurt, which it did. Well, when days 10-12 came and left I begin to think that I may be the less than 10% who don't loose their hair. I started to freak out, did I just cut my hair for no reason? Well, on day 14 my hair began to come out in patches. I was so excited that I called Brian to tell him the good news, at least cutting my hair wasn't in vain. Crazy? I know. Well, the hair came out in patches and my son asked it I could just shave it all off, it looked scary, so I asked my neighbor to shave it all. After the big shave my head didn't hurt anymore either, so I guess that was a good thing.
How am I feeling:
physically- GREAT!! Well, as good as I think i will with having chemo
emotionally- OK, anticipating the worse so my mind keeps wandering and I keep researching side effects
Prayer Requests:
Please pray for my babies, they are handling things very well, but I know Asa is becoming more and more attached to me, not wanting anything to hurt me. I just pray that I have enough energy to do things with them, even if it's just to help them off to school.
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My hair coming out in patches. Don't mind the gray. lol |
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Trying a couple different scarf techniques. Gotta love Youtube |
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Found an Auntie Annie on one of our 3 mall walks |
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Mean mugging before we go out on the town. The scarf on my shoulder almost looks like my locs, took me back for a min. |
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Baldheaded like a full moon shining. My BFF said I look like I have caterpillars on my face. I almost died laughing |
My LS (line sister- OO-OOP), the crazy one, cut her locs in support of me. I love this crazy chick! |
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
FB posts
Recording of FB posts:
Jan. 11th
Hello ladies and men with women in their lives,
Many of you already know, but for those who don't, I was diagnosed with breast cancer just before winter break. The treatment and service I have gotten here in Abu Dhabi has been incredible. But I am writing to encourage you to participate in, what I am calling, Buddy Check 13. As women we need to support and encourage each other. How many of you actually do a breast self exam (BSE) or self breast awareness checks? Being self breast aware just means knowing how your breast change, look and feel during different times. Well, with Buddy Check 13 we will encourage our sisters to check monthly for abnormalities. So.... Here's how it works:
1. You find a partner or 2 and commit to being accountable to her/them
2. On the 13th of each month starting in January (OO-OOP) you pledge to call, txt, whatsapp (however you communicate) your buddy to remind her to be self breast aware or do a BSE.
3. Once you've done it, you message each other to confirm completion.
SIMPLE, huh? Now let's get to feeling on ourselves. Lol
Many of you already know, but for those who don't, I was diagnosed with breast cancer just before winter break. The treatment and service I have gotten here in Abu Dhabi has been incredible. But I am writing to encourage you to participate in, what I am calling, Buddy Check 13. As women we need to support and encourage each other. How many of you actually do a breast self exam (BSE) or self breast awareness checks? Being self breast aware just means knowing how your breast change, look and feel during different times. Well, with Buddy Check 13 we will encourage our sisters to check monthly for abnormalities. So.... Here's how it works:
1. You find a partner or 2 and commit to being accountable to her/them
2. On the 13th of each month starting in January (OO-OOP) you pledge to call, txt, whatsapp (however you communicate) your buddy to remind her to be self breast aware or do a BSE.
3. Once you've done it, you message each other to confirm completion.
SIMPLE, huh? Now let's get to feeling on ourselves. Lol
I hope we each participate as we know that early detection is key.
Jan. 13th
So... what made you decide to post your diagnosis on FB? That's the question several people have asked me. Well, a couple days ago I was speaking to a former mentee (now just a friend) and she asked me who knew? I told her my closest family and friends, more people here in UAE then back home. She pauses then says, "why?". I told her I had been going back in forth on whether or not to post it, you know how "fake" FB is and I didn't want a pity party on my behalf. She then began to tell me that when she was younger she stayed away from a lot of things, drugs, sex, etc. because of the stories I told her (no, I won't tell you- lol). She said my transparency really helped her and a couple other girls she know stay out of trouble. She said, just think if I had never know about ___________, I could have been lost. She reminded me of something I would always tell my girls at school as well as my youth group "MY LIFE IS NOT MY OWN" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). I tell you, I had tears flowing. I would always tell me girls that the things that I have gone through were because God needed to demonstrate them on me so that I can help you NOT go through them, so don't make my mistakes, make your own. When I hung up with her I knew I had to post it (and just let the "Jesus Jr's" of the world say they will pray for me but not really do it) I also know that the more I share my story, the more empowered I will become. I know this journey will not be an easy one, but I declare, IF GOD BE FOR ME, WHO CAN BE AGAINST ME! (Romans 8:31) I will count it all joy... (James 1:2) (my friend Ashleigh Dennis favorite scripture-love ya boo). I know that I am HIS child and if He has room enough to feed the birds of the air, how much more will He do for His children (Matthew 6:26).
So, why did I decide to post it? This journey is not just for me, there is someone that needs to go through this without going through it.
Lord, I am your vessel, use me up!
But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. Acts 20:24
If you would like to go on this journey with me, pm me and I will send you the link to my blog.
Oh yeah, today was my first day of chemo!!!! 1 down, 5 more to go. It wasn't too bad, at least not yet. Jan. 13, 2016 is a day I will never forget!!
Neighbors Sent from God Himself!!
My neighbors have been AWESOME! Since my first round of chemo they have provided dinner for us as I regain my strength (although I barely cook anyway). One in particular not only showed up with dinner from my favorite Arabic restaurant, but she also brought me a present to add to my collection. I am so grateful for family, away from family. We have had dinner provided for us for the past week, every night!! One family gave us so much food Brian asked if we were suppose to feed the entire building, lol
Greenland Compound, the best neighbors in the UAE!!
May God continue to bless you all.
Safe In HIS Arms
Round 1 Week 1
This week has shown to have some significant changes in my life. I had my first round of chemo on Wed. (Jan. 13, 2016) and I challenged ALL my FB friends and family to join me in "Buddy Check 13", were they find an accountability partner to do a self breast exam/assessment on the 13th of each month. I cut my hair!!!! I originally was only going to rock a small fro. Since I found out I had breast cancer I decided not to twist my roots so that I could wear a small afro until is all falls out, well, I cut it anyway. The doctor informed me that because my hair was so long and thick, not only would it fall out within 10-12 days after first chemo, but it would fall out in chunks. I had a very dear friend of mine (who also has long locs) cut my locs off, then Brian and I went to the mall (with a skully on) to a store recommended by a fellow survivor to get a couple caps. Cutting my locs was not traumatic at all, I think mainly because I knew it was coming, and my friend was so very pleasant in helping me see the big picture, but in that store, I fell to pieces. My, my, my, the store is full of shaylas, head wraps, caps, any and everything you could image (good thing I live in a Muslim country). Just the thought of knowing that I now have to wear one made me sad. I was overwhelmed. I cried like a baby in front of my husband and the store clerk. I just couldn't keep it together. After my episode in the store we went to the barber who, after telling him about my situation suggested that I cut is extremely low because it is still going to come out in chunks, he said " Your hair is so thick, the thinner you make it, the less spotty it will be coming out". Here comes the water head tears again. After about 2 min. I was able to accept my fate and walk in it.
As far as the side effects from the chemo, I have been told that I will most likely "feel" something days 5-7. That is about how long it will take the chemo to really get into my system. Well, I'm glad to say that the only "setback" I've had was on day 3 when I threw up after deciding to eat 2 hamburgers, lamb chops and sausages at our neighborhood picnic. I figured, hey, if my appetite is going to change, I need to get it in now. lol. I haven't had that much red meat in over 4 years and I paid for it. Although, my senses do seem to be on overdrive. I can smell things so well now, and at times it makes me nauseous, my eyes are very sensitive to even the slightest change in light and my my eyes burn when I cry. The burning sensation feels like I have lotion or something in my eyes. I only feel it burning when I cry (so I guess I better suck that mess up, as my sorority sister used to say all the time- lol).
Working: Although very reluctant, I stayed home from work the day after chemo, but I have worked every work day since. The first day of work had so many butterflies in my stomach, as you can image, teenagers can be mean and I didn't know what to expect from my girls regarding my hair. I am pleased to announce that they were soooooo loving, "miss, Whallah (I swear to God), you look beautiful, Whallah", "I like you better like this miss", "Miss I love your new look". I felt so much better knowing that I didn't have to cuss anyone out. lol. However, I left school feeling so tired, I could barely make it home. At each round-about I felt like I could just sleep. I got home and went directly to bed and didn't wake up until the next morning. I know this was because I worked myself up regarding the reaction of my coworkers and students and tried to keep up with my regular routine, and I can't, I just hate feeling helpless.
Safe in HIS Arms:
Last night my cousin tagged me in a post of a group singing Safe In His Arms (Rev. Milton Brunson version). When we were younger we were both in the children's choir at my church and I was tasked to sing this song as a solo (one of several) (my other favorite song was Calling My Name by Hezekiah Walker and Timiney Figueroa). Now, if you have EVER heard me sing outside of my shower you would run screaming. I have always loved this song, since the day I was home rehearsing it and realized there were several statements that I didn't know the meaning of (...the billows begin to roll..). After reading and listening to the song, I was so overcome with joy, my living turned into a church service. I hadn't had CHURCH like that since I attended Mt. Sinai in Clemson, SC while at graduate school. Im sure my neighbors heard every cry, snot, and praise, but I felt such a release, I couldn't hold it in. As for my husband, he just smiled and took the kids to bed.
How am I feeling?:
Physically- Good, I do have to pace myself so that I don't tire, it seems to sneak up on me
Mentally- Safe, I know I am covered and this too shall pass
Prayer Requests:
Please keep my family in your prayers, especially my husband. He is strong, but even the strongest have times of weakness
This week has shown to have some significant changes in my life. I had my first round of chemo on Wed. (Jan. 13, 2016) and I challenged ALL my FB friends and family to join me in "Buddy Check 13", were they find an accountability partner to do a self breast exam/assessment on the 13th of each month. I cut my hair!!!! I originally was only going to rock a small fro. Since I found out I had breast cancer I decided not to twist my roots so that I could wear a small afro until is all falls out, well, I cut it anyway. The doctor informed me that because my hair was so long and thick, not only would it fall out within 10-12 days after first chemo, but it would fall out in chunks. I had a very dear friend of mine (who also has long locs) cut my locs off, then Brian and I went to the mall (with a skully on) to a store recommended by a fellow survivor to get a couple caps. Cutting my locs was not traumatic at all, I think mainly because I knew it was coming, and my friend was so very pleasant in helping me see the big picture, but in that store, I fell to pieces. My, my, my, the store is full of shaylas, head wraps, caps, any and everything you could image (good thing I live in a Muslim country). Just the thought of knowing that I now have to wear one made me sad. I was overwhelmed. I cried like a baby in front of my husband and the store clerk. I just couldn't keep it together. After my episode in the store we went to the barber who, after telling him about my situation suggested that I cut is extremely low because it is still going to come out in chunks, he said " Your hair is so thick, the thinner you make it, the less spotty it will be coming out". Here comes the water head tears again. After about 2 min. I was able to accept my fate and walk in it.
As far as the side effects from the chemo, I have been told that I will most likely "feel" something days 5-7. That is about how long it will take the chemo to really get into my system. Well, I'm glad to say that the only "setback" I've had was on day 3 when I threw up after deciding to eat 2 hamburgers, lamb chops and sausages at our neighborhood picnic. I figured, hey, if my appetite is going to change, I need to get it in now. lol. I haven't had that much red meat in over 4 years and I paid for it. Although, my senses do seem to be on overdrive. I can smell things so well now, and at times it makes me nauseous, my eyes are very sensitive to even the slightest change in light and my my eyes burn when I cry. The burning sensation feels like I have lotion or something in my eyes. I only feel it burning when I cry (so I guess I better suck that mess up, as my sorority sister used to say all the time- lol).
Working: Although very reluctant, I stayed home from work the day after chemo, but I have worked every work day since. The first day of work had so many butterflies in my stomach, as you can image, teenagers can be mean and I didn't know what to expect from my girls regarding my hair. I am pleased to announce that they were soooooo loving, "miss, Whallah (I swear to God), you look beautiful, Whallah", "I like you better like this miss", "Miss I love your new look". I felt so much better knowing that I didn't have to cuss anyone out. lol. However, I left school feeling so tired, I could barely make it home. At each round-about I felt like I could just sleep. I got home and went directly to bed and didn't wake up until the next morning. I know this was because I worked myself up regarding the reaction of my coworkers and students and tried to keep up with my regular routine, and I can't, I just hate feeling helpless.
Safe in HIS Arms:
Last night my cousin tagged me in a post of a group singing Safe In His Arms (Rev. Milton Brunson version). When we were younger we were both in the children's choir at my church and I was tasked to sing this song as a solo (one of several) (my other favorite song was Calling My Name by Hezekiah Walker and Timiney Figueroa). Now, if you have EVER heard me sing outside of my shower you would run screaming. I have always loved this song, since the day I was home rehearsing it and realized there were several statements that I didn't know the meaning of (...the billows begin to roll..). After reading and listening to the song, I was so overcome with joy, my living turned into a church service. I hadn't had CHURCH like that since I attended Mt. Sinai in Clemson, SC while at graduate school. Im sure my neighbors heard every cry, snot, and praise, but I felt such a release, I couldn't hold it in. As for my husband, he just smiled and took the kids to bed.
How am I feeling?:
Physically- Good, I do have to pace myself so that I don't tire, it seems to sneak up on me
Mentally- Safe, I know I am covered and this too shall pass
Prayer Requests:
Please keep my family in your prayers, especially my husband. He is strong, but even the strongest have times of weakness
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7.5 years of locing my hair |
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Gone in 1 hr |
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A fellow cancer survivor put me up on these caps. Aren't they cute? |
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